Well, seems that was a false alarm. We were not able to reproduce this  
on other systems - there the 3.6.11 release even performed slightly  
better than 3.5.5. Still no idea what caused this, as now even the  
original system no longer shows this effect, but it's very probably  
not SQLite.

Best regards,


Günter Obiltschnig
Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH
A-9184 St. Jakob im Rosental | St. Peter 33 | www.appinf.com
P: +43 4253 32596  M: +43 676 5166737  F: +43 676 32096

Company Registration: FN 276491 f | Landesgericht Klagenfurt
Managing Director: DI Günter Obiltschnig


On Mar 25, 2009, at 15:24 , Günter Obiltschnig wrote:

> Hi there,
> I have just upgraded SQLite in our application from 3.5.5 to 3.6.11
> (we are using the amalgamation), and I have noticed a sharp drop in
> insert performance to more than half the speed that we had with 3.5.5.
> We are using SQLite in an embedded Linux device, and the database
> files are on a CompactFlash device.
> The inserts are being done into an initially empty table with 28
> columns, and all inserts (can be more than 100000) are done within one
> large transaction, using a prepared insert statement. One additional
> unique index on a single column is used on the table as well.
> With 3.5.5, inserting 1000 rows into that table took about 7 seconds,
> with 3.6.11 it takes 14-16 seconds.
> We are using PRAGMA synchronous = OFF and a cache size of 6000 pages.
> The main reason why we updated was because we experienced memory
> issues with 3.5.5. Reducing the cache size (PRAGMA cache_size) would
> not release memory.
> Any ideas what causes this?
> Apart from that we are very happy with sqlite. A big thank you to D.
> Richard Hipp and everyone who contributed to this great peace of
> software.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Günter
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