2009/8/13 Simon Slavin <slav...@hearsay.demon.co.uk>:
> On 13 Aug 2009, at 12:47pm, Otto Grunewald wrote:
>> on the website at the following address:
>> http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/exec.html
>> The second paragraph states the following:
>> The error message passed back through the 5th parameter is held in
>> memory obtained from sqlite3_malloc(). To avoid a memory leak, the
>> calling application should call sqlite3_free() on any error message
>> returned through the 5th parameter when it has finished using the
>> error
>> message.
> I raised this question a couple of weeks ago.  It would be nice to
> have a very clear definition of when you need to use _free.  For
> instance is it exactly when _exec doesn't return SQLITE_OK ?  If _step
> returns SQLITE_BUSY, does that mean there's an error message to be
> freed ?  If I call _free when there's no error, would that be a
> problem ?
> Simon.

I set errmsg arg passed in to _exec to 0. If it is changed after exec,
then I call _free

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