Library is statically linked into the final app and the db is newly  

Marco Bambini

On Aug 28, 2009, at 5:17 PM, Mike Eggleston wrote:

> On Fri, 28 Aug 2009, Marco Bambini might have said:
>> Hello,
>> today I made some test on a project I wrote some years ago.
>> I upgraded sqlite library from version 3.4.2 to version 3.6.17.
>> What I am really unable to understand is the time difference required
>> to perform the same query using the exact same algorithm by the two
>> libraries.
>> SELECT * FROM table1
>> where table1 has 1 million rows and 10 columns (its an 80MB db).
>> Version 3.4.2 takes about 5.06 seconds (average value) while version
>> 3.6.17 takes about 7.28 seconds (average value).
>> Could be a slowdown in the library for the complexity added over the
>> years or does someone have another possible explanation?
>> Thanks.
> Did you just relink your app or did you also migrate the data to a new
> sqlite3 database? I think the migration command is:
> echo '.dump' | sqlite3 $db | sqlite3 $dbnew
> Maybe the internal database structure has changed?
> Mike
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