On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Iker Arizmendi <i...@research.att.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> One oft-cited method to address SQLite's limited concurrency support is to
> use a client-server database. Such databases enjoy better concurrency thanks
> to their use of a master, coordinating process which is hard to obtain
> efficiently using unrelated processes like those of SQLite. What's the key
> to this master process's increased concurrency that is difficult to emulate
> using a scheme among unrelated processes? Does the primary benefit of the
> master process lie in its ability to efficiently detect abnormal termination
> of child processes and deal with their locks?

The reason for sqlite's poor concurrency is due to it using a single
global reader/writer lock.  Other dbs usually have much finer grained
page- or row- level locking, and MVCC.

Multiple processes has nothing to do with it, other than the usual
increases in complexity that would be added to any app.

Cory Nelson
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