A while back, Igor gave me some help on pulling out mm/dd ranges (sets) from
my table.

This is the code that does that.

    sSQL = "SELECT Date, Year, Month, Day, Open, High, Low, Close FROM [" &
gsTableName & "] " & _
            "WHERE ((Month - " & lngStartMth & ")*100 + (Day - " &
lngStartDay & ") + 1300) % 1300 <= ((" & _
            lngEndMth - lngStartMth & ") * 100 + (" & lngEndDay -
lngStartDay & ") + 1300) % 1300 " & _
            "ORDER BY Year, ((Month - " & lngStartMth & ")*100 + (Day - " &
lngStartDay & ") + 1300) % 1300"

The only problem I have is that there are some stray rows that are not

For example, say that I want to run this SQL statement to pull out SETS that
start with a MM/DD of 12/28 to 01/05. That means, each 'set' would be from
December 25 to January 05, which means that each 'set' will cross a year end
date (where the year value increments by 1).

While the above SQL statement will do this, to a point, the first set is
usually not correct. It will look like this:

Date  |  Year  |  Month  |  Day

12/28/1988   1988   12   28
12/29/1988   1988   12   29
12/30/1988   1988   12   30
01/04/1988   1988   01   04
01/05/1988   1988   01   05
12/28/1989   1989   12   28
12/29/1989   1989   12   29
01/03/1989   1989   01   03
01/04/1989   1989   01   04
01/05/1989   1989   01   05

As you can see, the first set has a problem It goes from December 28, 1988
to January 05, 1988, rather than January 05, 1989  like it should for the
first SET.

I fugure the way to correct this issue is to make sure that each ROW
(record) has a DATE that is greater than the last ROW.

Is it possible to have the SQL statement above do this as well? 

I know I can loop through this recordset, transferring each record to an
array that has a date greater than the last record (row) date value. It's an
extra step and easy to program.

I'm just curious if it was possible within the above SQL statement, and
whether it would be worth doing it via the SQL or would perform better if I
added the looping into array step.

Thank you.


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