"Rick Ratchford" <r...@amazingaccuracy.com>
schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:dbfb2606d0c1448b930064474496a...@dolphin...
> A while back, Igor gave me some help on pulling out mm/dd ranges (sets)
> my table.
> This is the code that does that.
>     sSQL = "SELECT Date, Year, Month, Day, Open, High, Low, Close FROM ["
> gsTableName & "] " & _
>             "WHERE ((Month - " & lngStartMth & ")*100 + (Day - " &
> lngStartDay & ") + 1300) % 1300 <= ((" & _
>             lngEndMth - lngStartMth & ") * 100 + (" & lngEndDay -
> lngStartDay & ") + 1300) % 1300 " & _
>             "ORDER BY Year, ((Month - " & lngStartMth & ")*100 + (Day - "
> lngStartDay & ") + 1300) % 1300"
> The only problem I have is that there are some stray rows that are not
> wanted.

Did you already tried the small function I've posted
into the VB-database-group (which was based on
Igors original suggestion)?

This also shows, how to work with a CommandObject -
(code is included again at the end of this post).

It enhances the *Where* clause (not the Order By),
to get rid of your "stray-rows" in the very first year
of a "year-crossing-set").

Function GetMonthDayRange(TableName As String, _
                          ByVal MStart&, ByVal DStart&, _
                          ByVal MEnd&, ByVal DEnd&, _
                          ByVal InclYearSort As Boolean) As cRecordset
Dim SQL As String

  'a Cmd-SQL does *not* contain any direct "VarConcats", only @Placeholders
  SQL = "SELECT Date,Month,Day,Open,High,Low,Close FROM @TblName" & _
        " WHERE (((mon...@mstart)*100 +  (d...@dstart)+ 1300)% 1300" & _
            " <=(( @me...@mstart)*100 +(@de...@dstart)+ 1300)% 1300)" & _
            " AND (Year > (Select Min(Year) From @TblName) " & _
            " OR (Month*100+Day >= @mstart*1...@dstart)) "

  'enhance the above SQL about the appropriate, different Order By Clauses
  If InclYearSort Then
    SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY Year, Month, Day"
    SQL = SQL & "ORDER BY ((mon...@mstart)*100+(d...@dstart)+ 1300)% 1300"
  End If

  With Cnn.CreateSelectCommand(SQL) 'create a Select-Command-Object
    'now we replace the @PlaceHolders with the current Var-Content,
    'which we've got passed in our Function-Parameters
    .ReplColumnOrTableName !TblName, TableName
    .SetInt32 !MStart, MStart
    .SetInt32 !DStart, DStart
    .SetInt32 !MEnd, MEnd
    .SetInt32 !DEnd, DEnd

    Set GetMonthDayRange = .Execute 'the Cmd.Execute returns a Recordset
  End With
End Function


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