On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 08:35:14AM -0700, b s wrote:
> hi,
> long ago, drh had proposed a trigger like mechanism that
> can be invoked at the begin/end of a transaction.
> http://osdir.com/ml/db.sqlite.general/2003-04/msg00137.html
> the general consensus was there is no use other than up'ng
> a counter. however, i have a requirement where i would like
> to mark transaction boundaries from a user level.

That's not how I read that thread.  Around-transaction triggers are
incredibly useful (they're even more useful with a procedural language
or at least some way to apply logic to all rows modified/inserted/
deleted by the transaction).

Since there aren't any, your only choice is to manually wrap the
transaction statements -- at least the COMMIT statement, while the BEGIN
could be handled with a temp table and a trigger to do an INSERT OR
IGNORE into it which you DELETE on COMMIT.

CREATE TEMP TABLE current_transaction (rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, tran_id TEXT);

-- The trigger has to be a TEMP trigger too...
    INSERT OR IGNORE INTO current_transaction VALUES (1, randomblob(16));
    UPDATE ... SET NEW.tran_id = (SELECT tran_id FROM current_transaction);

and add "DELETE FROM current_transaction;" before every COMMIT.  (You
also need to do this DELETE on rollbacks.

If you re-open your DB connection for every transaction (well, OK,
that's heavy-duty), then you don't even need to wrap the COMMIT, but you
do need to create the temp table before you BEGIN.

So that's your choice: wrap the BEGIN or the COMMIT/ROLLBACK, or both.

Back to the 2003 thread...  Triggers on ROLLBACK, BEFORE BEGIN or AFTER
COMMIT obviously can't modify the DB, so they are only useful for
invoking user-defined functions, really, but that _is_ a useful feature!

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