On 1 Jul 2010, at 11:56am, Daniel Jung wrote:

> My problem: I wrote a simple program in c-sharp. This program does 
> refers to a sqlite database. The program is in my auto boot so it shall 
> run by starting by pc. But every time the is an exception that the 
> database could not be opened. I have no idea why. If I run the program 
> manual it works. Do I have to start any process seperate to get access 
> to the database? Do you have any idea what I can do?

I assume you're using Windows.  Programs run during the startup process have 
unusual permissions and abilities.  Put a command in your application to open 
the database file as a plain file (e.g. a text file, not using any SQLite 
functions) with read/write permission.  See if you get any error message from 
that command.

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