"Roger Binns" <rog...@rogerbinns.com> wrote in 
message news:4c4b1ca7.1040...@rogerbinns.com...
> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/24/2010 05:38 AM, ve3meo wrote:
>> I am a humble user of the command line implementation and of various 
>> SQLite
>> managers and not an application developer so I cannot do it in code.
> You are coding!  The command line tool is merely a thin wrapper around the
> library and the managers are a gui equivalent.
> I'd encourage you to try one of the scripting languages out there.  They
> provide an easy way of adding a little more control flow around the SQL,
> variables, better interoperability with files etc.  These languages are 
> easy
> to learn and use.
> My personal preference is Python, but you won't go far wrong with Lua, 
> Tcl,
> Perl, PHP, Basic etc.  See a long list of languages that have SQLite
> available at:
>  http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=SqliteWrappers

I have dabbled years ago with Tcl and even resurrected Quick Basic recently 
so I could do something - even probably a DOS batch file. Before heading 
there, I wanted to exhaust the possibility of doing it within a SQL query. 
That's convenient for me and other users to be able to do that and many 
other queries from within the same SQLite manager.

>>> Depending on what the information is you are obtaining, it may be 
>>> possible
>>> to get it via direct queries on sqlite_master.
>> Thanks, I'll investigate further.
> How about telling us what you are trying to achieve (not how you are 
> trying
> to achieve it :-)

I use a genealogical software that employs SQLite as its database engine. 
That software is deficient in some respects and I have developed quite a few 
SQLite queries that I can run outside the application to examine and modify 
data in ways that the app cannot. One query aims to extract various 
properties of the genealogical database that can tell me its characteristics 
in more detail than the software does and may flag possible problems or 
areas needing attention. The query compares certain data against that of an 
attached reference database which may change with a new release of the 
software. What I want to add to the results of this query are the names of 
the test database file and the reference file. I was hoping to do that from 
within the same sql file.


> Roger

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