On 12 Aug 2010, at 12:37pm, Pavel Ivanov wrote:

>> Here I (or we) think of the cycles the system needs when the small niche
>> of the initial database is exhausted and it has to look for another free
>> block on the filesystem. If you can tell the system in advance, how big
>> the niche has to be, it saves some time.
> Did you measure that or know of someone who measured?

Also, you may get a big saving on the first few accesses after taking those 
measures, but does that last past any subsequent changes ?  A real-life example 

Some people make a big fuss about defragmentation under Linux, and it's true 
that if you compare access times immediately before and after defragmentation 
you can see a noticable speedup.  But 24 hours after that, there's almost no 
difference because Linux continually writes many small log files which 
fragments the disk again.  So most of the speed improvement goes away in the 
first 24 hours.

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