On Wed, Sep 08, 2010 at 10:01:48PM +0100, Andrew Wood scratched on the wall:
> Because I'm writing glue code between the SQLite API and a higher level 
> library which provides a standard API across several DBMSs.
>   In other DBMSs even if a field contains null you can still ask the API 
> what type it 'should' have been if something *had* been put in it. 
> Without this ability, I cant make SQLite work with the library.
> I don't understand the reasoning for designing SQLite weakly typed like 
> this, it just seems bizarre.

  SQLite is not "weakly" typed.  Each value has a very specific and
  strongly enforced type.  It just happens that type assignment happens
  at the value level, rather than the column level.

  When I first came to SQLite from the client/server RDBMS world, I was
  somewhat shocked as well.  But in the end, it really doesn't make
  much of a difference.  Like most other languages, all forms of SQL
  do a significant amount of type coercion.  Opening up that domain
  to something larger than what a traditional programmer considers a
  "type" doesn't really change anything.  Does it really matter that
  -3 < 5.35667 < 'abc' ?  As long as you have a solid ordering and
  conversion rules, there are rarely surprises.

  And if someone really cares, they can add CHECK constraints-- which
  they should be doing anyways if they're that paranoid about
  type-domain checking.  Simply limiting a value to an integer (or
  whatever) is no more or less "safe" unless you further limit things to
  a task-specific sub-domain of that type.
  I also have to say that handling NULLs as a value-less type is a very
  clean and handy model.


Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

"Intelligence is like underwear: it is important that you have it,
 but showing it to the wrong people has the tendency to make them
 feel uncomfortable." -- Angela Johnson
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