On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 11:10:54 -0600, "Black, Michael (IS)"
<michael.bla...@ngc.com> wrote:

>I don't think you need to do the LDFLAGS thing...
>gcc -O2 -fpic -shared -Wl,-soname,sqlite3.so -o sqlite3.so sqlite3.c
>Works fine for me.  Though I'm not using the Blackfin compiler...

Thanks Michael for the tip. The compiling seems to work... but the
final sqlite3.so is not usable: "./lua: can't resolve symbol

Here's what I did:


The LuaSQL for Sqlite3 with SQLite statically compiled is only 38.172
bytes, and when I try to "require "luasql.sqlite3"", I get "can't
resolve symbol '_sqlite3_open'".

Obviously, I'm doing something wrong here.

Any tip much appreciated.

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