On 29 Jan 2011, at 11:07pm, Rael Bauer wrote:

> It seemed strange that a simple "select * from table" that I was doing was so 
> slow. The table contained about 20 columns (fields) and 300 rows. The select 
> took about 1.5 seconds. (using SQLite Expert).

Do you have an indexes or UNIQUE restrictions on that table ?  I'm not just 
talking about the BLOB field, although an index or UNIQUE on that would be 
particularly interesting.

> The table contained a blob field, with a "fair" amount of data spread over 
> the rows (max was around 6 MB...). The sqlite file was about 40 MB. 

So you got about 40 Meg of data in 1.5 seconds.  Use your OS's copy command (or 
some graphical equivalent) to duplicate that file.  How long does it take ?  
Please time this carefully the first time you do it because after that the file 
will be cached and no reading of the file will actually take place.

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