>It seemed strange that a simple "select * from table" that I was doing 
>was so slow. The table contained about 20 columns (fields) and 300 
>rows. The select took about 1.5 seconds. (using SQLite Expert).

Does the run time settle at 1.5 s after a few runs or is that a 
first-run time ?

As an aside to what others have answered I'd like to point out another 
potential source of slowdown.

I too am using SQLite Expert (Pro version).  This is a truly excellent 
SQLite DB manager.  But don't forget that it will do its best to 
"display" the BLOB column the best it can.  Depending on the options 
you've set the program may have to perform extra work to produce the 
result of your query.  You may want to test various settings likely to 
affect blob display (Show images, Thumbs tracking, Cell auto height 
[?]) to speed up display somehow.  It may be that the column order has 
some impact on the speed of the grid component used for display.

Of course Bogdan [SQLite Expert author] is in the best place to comment.

Now you should also ascertain the good usage of cache size and either 
use the CLI or write a simple program (in whatever language) to time 
the same query and result fetch but without any display.  Time several 
runs to have the caches filled.  That will be fairly close to the time 
SQLite actually uses for processing the statement.  Anything 
significantly departing from that reference time is in the realm of 
Expert and probably its grid component.

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