I am implementing a dataset update process.  There is a for loop going
through the dataset either doing an update on the row or deleting the
row.  So there are two statements that are preparied, currently I am
using the same basic logic for both.  The problem is the second time
around I get a SQLITE_MISUSE.

What am I doing wrong?

stmtDelete = sqlite3_prepare_v2(...)

while( nextRecord())
  rc = sqlite3_bind_<type>(stmtDelete, ...);
  if( rc == SQLITE_OK) rc = sqlite3_bind_<type>(stmtDelete, ...);
  if( rc == SQLITE_OK) rc = sqlite3_bind_<type>(stmtDelete, ...);

  if( rc == SQLITE_OK)
    rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
    if( rc != SQLITE_DONE) LogError();


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