Hi Jay,

> One should never assume a database uses IEEE 754, so one should never
> assume it uses similar semantics.

One should not assume it unless it is documented, of course. Postgres,
for example, half-heartedly embraces IEEE-754 'on platforms that use
it' (see section 8.1.3 of its manual). It documents the fact that +/-
infinity and NaN are useable on such systems.

> Even those databases that do use
> IEEE 754 for a select few of their types have other considerations.
> In the bigger picture, IEEE 754 makes up, at most, a small part of
> the SQL numeric environment.

For SQL: yes. For SQLite though, it is the only option.

> Using 754 as a reference for the rest of the environment strikes me as
> poorly thought out and putting the tail before the dog.

In terms of generic SQL you may be right (although I'd be willing to
argue for it). However, I think that for a specific DB product, it is
a good thing to document without ambiguity what the properties and
guarantees of the numeric types and operations are; and IEEE-754 is
the only game in town when it comes to properly specified floating
point numbers.

I feel this is especially true for the light-weight database system
that is SQLite. I get the impression that you are advocating to keep
floating point operations deliberately vague and underspecified
(please correct me if I am wrong). To me as a developer that is
useless; I will never be able to reason about the correctness of
anything, and I am effectively dependent on the (undocumented) effort
that the makers of the FP implementation did. Effectively, that would
be a return to the pre-IEEE 754 wild west of floating point

> [...] Its express purpose was to allow non-technical people to write
> queries and build business applications.

That may have been the optimistic idea 40 years ago, but I think it is
time to admit that this was completely misguided. If 40 years of
relational database experience has taught us anything, it is that
doing proper SQL (anything beyond a basic SELECT) is an actual skill
that requires technical prowess.

> [...] This is what most high-level scripting languages like Perl and Python 
> do.

Perl and Python support NaNs and infinities just fine.

> If you want bare metal IEEE 754 for your scientific computing
> application, then you might want to rethink doing your math operations
> in a data storage system.

You are making it sound as if proper support for IEEE-754 types would
open up some can of worms for regular users, but I really don't see
why you think that is the case. They would see an occasional "NaN"
instead of NULL if they did something naughty; I personally think that
is a lot more informative.

Compare currently:

sqlite> SELECT 0.0/0.0, 1.0/0.0;

... versus what I would like to see:

sqlite> SELECT 0.0/0.0, 1.0/0.0;

> As you've pointed out, SQLite is more than capable of storing and retrieving 
> non-numeric IEEE 754 values

No, it doesn't support storing and retrieving NaNs. That is an
arbitrary limit that bites those of us who actually know what they are

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