Hello everyone.
I'm a bit embarassed with a problem I am facing, while using
System.Data.SQLite to send commands to my database. The sad thing is
that if I query the database before and after (with a simple select
statement) the block of commands I obtain the expected results, but
when I open the database after the execution, none of my modifications
were been submited.

So actually what I do is:
- run the application;
- make a copy of the database;
- select to see what lies inside a table;
- an insert/delete/insertupdate (obtained from a string) to that table
in the db-copy;
- another select, with correct results;
- closing the connection, disposing the command;
- deleting the old database and rename the db-copy with the correct name.
- checking the database with sqlite-administrator: same as before the execution.

It looks like the commands I do are rollbacked when I close the
connection, or something similar.
I've tried to write a smaller application to simulate the same
behavior, but ...well, it works, so what I suspect is that some sorts
of locks are present on the DB. I think that cause before trying
sending direct sql commands to the DB I was using NHibernate and a
SQLStatement on a connection, but the app crashed with an exception
saying 'Database is Locked'.

Any idea of what can cause my problems?
In the next paste, the code 'cleaned up' that doesn't work:

Thanks for the attention (and for any help),
sqlite-users mailing list

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