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On 07/31/2011 12:58 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
> Datestamp every value (document) and whichever one has the lastest date is 
> the one you want.

That isn't always the correct approach and requires clocks to be
synchronized - something that is challenging when peers get disconnected for
periods, and can be fairly crappy devices.  CouchDB does not use timestamps
- - instead a DAG is built using revisions where the revision is derived from
the MD5 of the document so it is completely unambiguous.  None of the DVCS
use timestamps either because they are more fragile and less "truthful".

> One reason multi-master replication of SQL databases is hard to do properly

You can't do multi-master replication in general with SQL because SQL
requires transactions which means every peer has to agree.  Additionally
because data for any one logical item is scattered across several tables and
rows you can't just use table granularity.  Even sharding requires a lot of

*If* you are prepared to have looser transactions and you know your data
well then various things can be hacked together.  But at that point you are
effectively re-implementing what the various document/key-value store
databases provide builtin.

It is notable that SQL and the relational model are not used for the newer
database implementations.  UnQL appears to be an attempt to shoehorn SQL
like syntax into another new database, but I'm very sceptical it will go
anywhere - note how many have been developed and are in use without SQL
syntax holding back adoption.

Obligatory:  One size does not fit all, no one piece of software is perfect,
different solutions for different problems, developers and administrators
make decisions for themselves, you can mangle many pieces of softwares to
behave like other software etc

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