This is a side-question to this thread...but has anybody every done row-level 
locking for edit?

I can see it:

create table t(id int primary key,stuff text, lock l);

insert into t values(1,'stuff1',0);

select * from t where id=1 and lock=0;  // or drop lock to get all and check 
lock!=0 to make "row is locked" message


update t set lock=1 where id=1 and lock=0; // lock value would actually be the 
process id of your program, or in the case of multiple-machines add the machine 
name plus process id to guarantee uniqueness.

select * from t where id=1 and lock=0;

(no results -- so 2nd query returns nothing or drop lock=0 from query and check 
results to make "row is locked" message

update t set stuff='stuff1a',lock=0 where id=1 and lock=1;

Michael D. Black
Senior Scientist
NG Information Systems
Advanced Analytics Directorate

From: [] on 
behalf of Roger Binns []
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 10:13 AM
Subject: EXT :Re: [sqlite] Will SQLite supports UnQL?

Hash: SHA1

Any database system can be nonsensical.  If you have multiple people editing
prices for the same item even with a single instance database you can have
the wrong final answer.  But that is a procedural and business issue, not a
technological one.

Using a less highly charged example, how about a photos database?  Using
multi-master it is possible on one instance for someone to edit a photo's
description while someone else on a different instance sets the location.
Your conflict resolution can simply merge both changes as the fields are
independent of each other.

On the other hand someone setting the longitude on one system and latitude
on the other is likely a genuine conflict that cannot be automatically
resolved since the fields are dependent on each other.

If you also wanted a view count then you would not have a single field
labelled "view count" since there is no way to have a sane value with
multi-master.  Instead what you do is record the views themselves.  This
could be tracking every view in a log, or each server instance could use a
key derived from its name.  When you want to display the actual view count
the value would have to be calculated from the pieces, and map/reduce is
frequently used to do this.

These kinds of databases are atomic but not transactional.  Instead of
recording final values as you do with transactional SQL, you instead record
the transaction events themselves and calculate the final values from those.

Going back to the prices issue in this thread, the final price is made up of
multiple parts (component prices, markup, taxes, profit margins, shipping
and handling, discounting, competitive pressures etc).  Those can be
recorded and edited separately in a multi-master environment without conflicts.

You do not have to use the "NoSQL" databases for everything and even the
authors of the systems would tell you to use the regular databases we have
decades of experience and best practises with for financial transactions.

But there are also places where they are significantly more productive.

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