On 17 Sep 2011, at 6:08pm, Petite Abeille wrote:

> On Sep 17, 2011, at 6:04 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> Can you find the syntax that allows
> These ANSI specifications are notoriously difficult to pinpoint :)

Not really, they just cost money.  For instance:


That's part 1 and costs US$30.  For a good grasp of SQL you need most of the 
first 11 parts.  Part 11, for instance costs US$321.00.  Consequently nobody 
buys them.  And consequently nobody cares what they say.

> Pretty consistent syntax across vendors, and not totally outlandish

As was clear from my post, I was referring to SQL standards.  What various 
implementation vendors choose to do is up to them.  But the multi-spec syntax 
referred to in the OP is not in any SQL standard I've seen.

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