On Sep 17, 2011, at 8:43 PM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:

> All this chattering among us doesn't really matter (other than for academic 
> purposes).

For the, hmmm, more scholarly inclined on the list, a marginally more readable 
ISO spec, ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003:


> All that matters is whether or not Richard and co. deem it worth including as 
> a capability in factory provided SQLite. While I can't attest to it, there 
> are probably instances where SQLite deviates from the so called standard 
> ("the problem with standards is there are plenty of them" and all that). For 
> me, if Pg does it, the SQLite could do it if those who make SQLite could be 
> convinced of its usefulness.
> For me, I don't care either way. I am glad Pg has it because I am trying to 
> convert MySQL data to Pg. While I am failing to do so painlessly for the most 
> part, a few of the (simpler) tables convert fine because both MySQL and Pg 
> support multi-line INSERTs.

FWIW, I personally find that specific flavor of multi-rows INSERT rather 
esoteric and borderline useless, but each to their own. 

I would not mind seeing MERGE tough :))

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