On 17 Sep 2011, at 6:42pm, Petite Abeille wrote:

> On Sep 17, 2011, at 7:33 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
>> As was clear from my post, I was referring to SQL standards.  What various 
>> implementation vendors choose to do is up to them.  But the multi-spec 
>> syntax referred to in the OP is not in any SQL standard I've seen.
> In BNF Grammar for ISO/IEC 9075:1999 - Database Language SQL (SQL-99), under 
> contextually typed row value expression list:
> http://savage.net.au/SQL/sql-99.bnf.html#contextually%20typed%20row%20value%20expression%20list

  <insert columns and source>    ::=   <from subquery> | <from constructor> | 
<from default>

? Which one, and where is the expansion that allows for multiple sets of 
brackets after "VALUES" ?

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