Dear SQlite
according to forums I am accumulating sqlite files that are on an hourly
basis accumulating in my windows temp files as "etilqs" files (sqlite
backwards). Quite frankly, this may as well be a virus becuase of the
trouble it is causing and such files are giving your product a bad name in
the webworld. You would be well advised to have a link on your webpage how
to stop this happening (if you are the culprit) as I suspect there are many
angered computer uses out their in cyberspace like myself. Your advice would
be most appreciated.
Regards Nathan

*A/Prof Nathan Lawrentschuk
*MB BS PhD FRACS (Urology)
*University of Melbourne, Department of Surgery, Austin Hospital
**Urological Surgeon & Urologic Oncologist*
*Suite 5, 210 Burgundy Street*
*Heidelberg Vic 3084*
*Tel:  +61 3 9387 1000 (call service)*
*        +61 3 9455 3269 (rooms)*
*Fax: +61 3 9457 5829*
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