2011/11/2 Mr. Puneet Kishor <punk.k...@gmail.com>

> ahh, so you *are* getting expected behavior, just not what *you* expected.
> Did you have a different number in mind instead of a factor of 300? And, if
> so, why?

To read an (un-cached) 150mb file from disk, doesn't take 30 seconds. And
SQLite shouldn't have to read the whole file (because of the INDEX), only
the relevant rows in the INDEX, so theoreticly it should even be faster
than reading the whole file. Because Windows has a aggresive caching
technique (it reads much larger blocks from disk, even if you request only
10 bytes from the file), I'm not expecting SQLite to be faster than reading
the whole file, but that it's so much slower just surprises me. Maybe there
is a very simple explanation, I just can't think of any.
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