2011/11/2 Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org>

> So compare your 'restart-and-INSERT' test with one where you restart, log
> in, then do a few random operations for a minute: start your web browser
> and load a page.  Open and close a few documents or control panels.  Sit
> and do nothing for a minute.  /Then/ carry on with the test.
To rule out your suggestion of background processes slowing down the
operation, or any VirtualBox performance issues, I rebooted, and
immediately copied the DB file (125 MB) to another location, and it
completed within 5 seconds. So it doesn't seem VirtualBox or background
processes are to blame. In the past I already did some tests with waiting
for 15 minutes, and it had zero effect. Thanks for the suggestion anyway!
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