On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Fabian <fabianpi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/11/2 Mr. Puneet Kishor <punk.k...@gmail.com>
>> ahh, so you *are* getting expected behavior, just not what *you* expected.
>> Did you have a different number in mind instead of a factor of 300? And, if
>> so, why?
> To read an (un-cached) 150mb file from disk, doesn't take 30 seconds. And

But that's NOT what SQLite3 is doing.  SQLite3 is doing random I/O.
And the OS sees the random I/O pattern and concludes it's better to
not read the whole file in.  So for those 10K inserts you pay -worst
case- 10K I/Os.  At ~12ms per random I/O (likely the seek times for
your disks) you're talking 120s, so you're actually far from the worst
case -- even at 7ms seek time you're talking about twice the time
you've seen in the worst case.

What you should do, given that this one file is critical to your app,
is read the whole file into memory (if it were stored on contiguous
blocks, which it won't be, that'd make for about one second to read it
in).  Actually, it might be nice if SQLite3 had a function or open
flag by which to request that the whole thing be read into memory,
because the OS certainly won't know to do it.

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