On 10 Dec 2011, at 1:23am, Pavel Ivanov wrote:

>> so, I can see the journal file in my work directory which I own (and
>> in which the db file is placed).
>> still constantly, I have a disk I/O ERROR which I don't understand.
> If you see journal file along your database file and each attempt to
> open database doesn't delete journal file it means you either don't
> have write permissions on database file, or you don't have write
> permissions on journal file, or you don't have write permissions on
> directory, so that SQLite cannot delete journal.
> Note: don't delete journal yourself - SQLite have to see it. You can
> make a copy of it and try to delete just to check your permissions,
> but then you should restore journal from backup and open database file
> with SQLite.

To neatly delete the journal file simply use the SQLite library to open the 
database, then close it properly with _close().  This should delete the journal 
file.  If the journal file is still there then either some process has it open 
or you lack the permissions needed to delete the file.

Of course, there's always the possibility you have a corrupt hard disk.  Have 
you run CHKDSK/Disk Utility/whatever ?

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