OK. Thanks.

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 19 Jan 2012, at 10:37pm, Lou Arnold wrote:
> > When you say "amalgamation code" are do you mean source code?
> If you're programming in C or any superset of C then yes, you can get a
> specially optimised 'amalgamation' version of the source code all in two
> files (.c and .h) from
> <http://www.sqlite.org/download.html>
> and just compile it into your project.  This lets you pick whatever
> compilation targets and options you want.
> >  And if so
> > then I should compile SQLite?
> SQLite isn't a stand-alone thing.  It's just a set of C functions.  You
> can't compile it on its own because it has no 'main' function.  But you can
> compile its source along with your program's source.  And the whole thing
> is so tiny it won't add much weight to your code.
> > Are the pre-compiled binaries not suitable?
> > If I were using Visual Studio, then a few DLLs would all that's needed.
> > SharpDevelop uses these DLLs just as they are.
> If the DLLs on that page do what you want, by all means use them.  But be
> aware of Windows' stupid implementation of DLLs which mean that if you're
> running anything else on your computer that uses a SQLite DLL you can't
> trust which version of SQLite it'll end up using.  Plenty of discussion of
> this in the archives of this group.
> Simon.
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Lou Arnold
Ottawa, Canada
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