
I'm developing a mobile application which downloads my database so smallest
possible database size (i.e. on-disk/footprint) is important.

Currently my database is 41.5MB with indexes and to reduce the download I'm
zipping it with max. compression Deflate down to 18.4MB.

I noticed I can get it down to 12.1MB using LZMA compression but
unfortunately there's no LZMA library for Windows Phone yet... but anyway.

I further noticed that if I .dump the SQL to create the database then zip
that, the resulting size is just 6.7MB; which got me to thinking that maybe
there's some zip-unfriendly padding in the db file format that I could
potentially VACUUM away, defragment or otherwise remove as a cleanup

I don't really want to reload from SQL on the device so if anyone has any
tips about how to optimise the db file for space then I'd be very grateful.


Sent from my Windows Phone
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