On 4 Jun 2012, at 3:24pm, Rolf Marsh <rmma...@fastmail.us> wrote:

> "Could you possibly reduce your database to just a few records -- just enough 
> that it correctly reproduces your problem ?  You can use the SQLite shell 
> tool to .dump the database which will let you post a complete copy for our 
> testing. "
> Sorry, but I don't know how to do this… can you give me the syntax?

Make a copy of your database, and use the SQList shell tool (see the SQLite 
download page) to delete TABLEs, VIEWs, INDEXes and rows from it until you have 
a very small database (perhaps just a few rows) which still demonstrates the 
problem you have.  Try and remove absolutely everything you can until the 
problem goes away, then go back one step until you have a tiny database which 
still demonstrates your problem.

> and where will the output go?  and do you want me to put the output on 
> PasteBin?

You can use the '.dump' command from the SQList shell tool (see the SQLite 
download page) to turn any SQLite database into SQL commands.  Then you can 
include that text in a post to the list.

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