At 07:31 03/05/2013, you wrote:

Problem is, how do I prove to the customer/user that it is working as
expected no matter what?

There are two important points in your question.

The second (!) is "prove".
The first is "as expected".

Let me expand on why. For a system (irrespective of its nature or implementation technology) to be "working as expected", you first have to define exactly how it is expected to behave in every situation it may encounter. That's called functional specifications. Specs need to be complete and deterministic down to the lowest levels (of spec, not implementation!) to be useful later. If you want to "prove" something based on these specifications, you need to express them as a formal model by using one of the formal methods available. This model needs to be proven complete (no unspecified state) and non-contradictory under the formal methodology used.

Once you have formal specifications defined as a formal model (we call this a "machine" in B) you can enter the process of refinement. To refine a formal model is to gradually introduce every aspect of implementation while using adequate proofing tools to demonstrate (and here I mean "mathematically") at every step that the refined specs are mathematically consistent with the initial formal specs. Actual large systems require many refinement steps to achieve a final implementable model (B0 in the B method).

Once here and if the method chosen has the capability, you can actually produce executable code (typically secure ADA or C) for a given hardware target, along with a formal proof that the executable will behave "as expected" in all aspects. B is such a method.

The excellent news is that you don't need ANY test step: just deliver the production to the client, re-play the proof before him, get payed and fly to some sunny place with white sand beaches and no phone or Internet for a well deserved rest. There exists a valid mathematical proof that the production will always work "correctly", that is conforms to the initial formal model, in every aspect.

The less pleasant point is that a complete coverage by a top-notch formal method is really hard: you need experts in this method and ample time. The "simple" initial formal model is the first hard work because the human language --even used for specifications-- is incredibly ambiguous in practice and more than often uses implicit references to untold implementation details left vague (e.g. implicit "knowledge" about the behavior of the underlying OS for a software product).

What you do when you use a formal method is that you merge the two branches of the V development process. In fact, you intermix tests (the right branch of the V) which translate into proof of correctness, with the classical development right branch.

Many real-world systems requiring high dependability for mission-critical applications have shown that the time invested in refinements (where most of the time and efforts are used) grossly balance the time and efforts normally spent on incomplete or unconclusive tests and, after release, in fixing issues left over and discovered in the wild. Of course with a formal development you benefit of a program proven correct by construction.

SQLite would be a very good candidate for a formal development if its design was not somehow a moving target. I'm not saying DRH and his team are amateur developpers, all I mean is that when significant new features are introduced in the user specifications, the whole formal process has to be restarted. Many of the changes introduced in SQLite over the last few years have deep implications on its behavior. Depending on how the changes introduced fit the formal model or can't cope with its structure, a new version may require much work, up to complete rework. Formal methods are best suited for fixed specifications applications.

In short, "yes you can" reach part of your goal, but if you take your own words "prove" and "working as expected no matter what" at face value, then you definitely heavyweighted formal methods to prove your application, the OS and the hardware all this runs on, possibly using redundant (majority) architecture or a secure coded processor. Needless to say, this is overly expensive for most applications.

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