Just for kicks because I wanted to learn "how it was done", I decided to
download the amalgamation code and compile to a Win32 DLL.  The secondary
purpose of my doing so was that I also wanted to write a 3rd party app
that'd export all headers of the amalgamation to a different format that I
can then use to build into my own units in Delphi.  Basically convert the C
headers into Delphi headers so I can link to the DLL of the same version.
You know, just for "fun".  Whether or not my rearranging code works or
not.. well.. Its all on my dime, a learning experience, and probably to the
professionals in the crowd it'd seem like a waste of time.  To them I say
"meh".  ;)

The one thing I DID notice though is that my compiled version of the DLL in
size is much different than what the compiled version is on the
sqlite.orgsite.  Is there a particular reason for this?  What compiler
options do I
set to bring my the size of the DLL down or is it just the nature of the
amalgamation?  Just for reference, my DLL, which I baked in the oven about
30 minutes ago now, weighs in at about 850k while the pre-compiled Win32
download version looks to be about 620k.  The wife says I need to cut back
on calories, so I thought I might start with my hard drives and see how
that goes. ;)  I'm compiling under Bloodshed Dev-C++ v4.9.9.2.

The other thing I wanted to know is whether or not it'd be possible to get
source code snapshots of the amalgamation code starting from v3.0 (EDIT:
Seemingly 3.2?). or whatever this process started at starting at the major
build version 3, and get the incremental "published builds".  I've looked
at the timeline and at http://www.sqlite.org/cgi/src/brlist and I see that
the individual files have been modified and checked in, etc, but I don't
seem to be able to find sqlite3.c and sqlite.h, or even how I can download
a snapshot of the package of that revision even if it is just the
individual C files.

Is everything in the downloaded archive basically a merge (Think "copy
file1+file2+file3 file_final") of all of the required C files when a full
build to make the different pre-built packages are done?  I'm also a
complete newb when it comes to the version control being used for SQLite.
I know of version control software, and I use a Win32 only VCS, so have
absolutely zero clue on how to obtain a particular version of the code
through the means graciously provided.  If someone has the time, I'd
greatly appreciate a walk through on what to do, and what software has to
be put onto my dev machines.

I'm a pack rat when it comes to any and all software I come across, so what
I'm doing I think flies in the face of what my wife has asked me to do in
regards to calories. {smirk}
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