On 8 Jul 2013, at 5:51am, James K. Lowden <jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:

> Your test doesn't show that the above *query* is inefficient, but that
> SQLite executes it inefficiently.  The query can be executed
> efficiently; whether or not SQLite does so is a design choice.  

One problem with implementing a 'returned row number' function is that SQL is 
not consistent in the order of rows returned.  In SQL it is perfectly allowable 
for two queries

SELECT matchDate WHERE score > 100

to return the rows in different orders.  The only times this is not allowed to 
happen are when < 2 rows are returned, or when an ORDER BY clause uses a key 
which happens to have only unique values.

In practise, the way most SQL engines work means that unless underlying data is 
changed, the row numbers are consistent.  But I have seen SQL engines where 
rows which had changed most recently were returned first even if the values 
that were changed weren’t mentioned in the SELECT.  And I have seen SQL engines 
where the data was distributed over different nodes and the rows which were 
returned first corresponded to whichever datastore returned its results first, 
which depended on network traffic between the nodes.

If a 'returned row number' function was defined it would encourage people to 
think that the row numbers were deterministic: in other words that they could 
rely on a fixed relationship between the row number and the data returned.  Not 
doing that would lead to support calls and complaints about a broken API.

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