> To me (as a university teacher :->), here exists no single common
> definition what a (R)DBMS is! That comes close:

> A database management system (DBMS) is software that controls the
> storage, organization, and retrieval of data. A DBMS provides 
> various functions like data security, data integrity, data sharing, 
> data concurrence, data independence, data recovery etc. And an RDBMS 
> is a DBMS based on the relational model.

I think your definition is a little off.  A DBMS (data base management system) 
is a "system" for the management of a collection (base) of data.  The terms 
themselves indicate no requirement for the "base" or the "data", nor in 
particular the type of "system" involved -- certainly no requirement for 
"software" running on a "computer".  DNA (and RNA) are DBMSes and are most 
assuredly Systems for the Management of a Base of Data.

It is unfortunate that so many wear blinders so much of the time that they 
cannot comprehend the plain and clear meaning of words without falling afoul of 
their own prejudices.

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