Keith Medcalf wrote:
>> On Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:01:04 +0100
>> Simon Davies <> wrote:
>>> Why not
>>>     SELECT * FROM "entry" WHERE
>>>            bankdate >= date('now','start of month')
>>>           AND bankdate < date('now','start of month','+1 month')
>> The half-open interval strikes again!  :-)
> And you are using UTC ...
> Notwithstanding the timezone you want to use, 
> explain select * 
>           from entry 
>          where bankdate >= date('now', 'start of month') 
>            and bankdate < date('now', 'start of month', '-1 day');
> will generate the following code:

And there are another pitfall in this query: date('now') is *RACY*. That is, if
you execute this query *exactly* at midnight at month boundary, first and second
DATE() invocation may refer to *different* months.

And if your query return several rows, and there will be month boundary between
sqlite3_step(), your query also can return data from two month.

You can easily reproduce this problem if you switch unit from month to
millisecond, e.g.
SELECT * FROM t WHERE strftime('%f') <> strftime('%f');
will non-deterministically return rows.

IMO, correct [= least surprise] behavior should be "timestamp used for 'now'
should cached on first row step, and reused in all following calls [until
SQLITE_OK/SQLITE_DONE returned]", but fixing that won't be easy :-|.


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