> On Saturday, 14 September, 2013 07:19, Yuriy Kaminskiy said:
> Keith Medcalf wrote:
> >> On Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:01:04 +0100
> >> Simon Davies <simon.james.dav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Why not
> >>>     SELECT * FROM "entry" WHERE
> >>>            bankdate >= date('now','start of month')
> >>>           AND bankdate < date('now','start of month','+1 month')
> >> The half-open interval strikes again!  :-)
> >
> > And you are using UTC ...
> >
> > Notwithstanding the timezone you want to use,
> >
> > explain select *
> >           from entry
> >          where bankdate >= date('now', 'start of month')
> >            and bankdate < date('now', 'start of month', '-1 day');
> >
> > will generate the following code:
> And there are another pitfall in this query: date('now') is *RACY*. That
> is, if you execute this query *exactly* at midnight at month boundary, first
> and second DATE() invocation may refer to *different* months.
> And if your query return several rows, and there will be month boundary
> between sqlite3_step(), your query also can return data from two month.
> You can easily reproduce this problem if you switch unit from month to
> millisecond, e.g.
> SELECT * FROM t WHERE strftime('%f') <> strftime('%f');
> will non-deterministically return rows.
> IMO, correct [= least surprise] behavior should be "timestamp used for
> 'now' should cached on first row step, and reused in all following calls
> [until SQLITE_OK/SQLITE_DONE returned]", but fixing that won't be easy :-|.

That would require a change to SQLite itself.  Without doing that I believe 
this will solve those problems by using only one 'now', and also only running 
each date() call once (even my previous solutions could suffer from race 
conditions since they retrieved 'now' multiple times):

sqlite> explain select *
   ...>           from entry,
   ...>                (select bdate, (select date(bdate, '+1 month')) as edate
   ...>                   From (select date('now', 'localtime', 'start of 
month') as bdate) as ttemp limit 1) as tstamp
   ...>          where bankdate >= bdate
   ...>            and bankdate < edate;

SELECT item[0] = {0:0} AS bankdate
       item[1] = {1:0} AS bdate
       item[2] = {1:1} AS edate
FROM {0,*} = entry
     {1,*} = SELECT item[0] = {2:0}
                    item[1] = (SELECT FUNCTION:date(item[0] = {2:0}
                                                    item[1] = '+1 month')
                               LIMIT 1
                               END) AS edate
             FROM {2,*} = SELECT FUNCTION:date(item[0] = 'now'
                                               item[1] = 'localtime'
                                               item[2] = 'start of month')
                          END (tabname=sqlite_subquery_56DA50_) (AS ttemp)
             LIMIT 1
             END (tabname=sqlite_subquery_56F8D0_) (AS tstamp)
WHERE AND(GE({0:0},{1:0}),LT({0:0},{1:1}))

addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Trace          0     0     0                    00
1     Integer        33    1     0                    00
2     Once           0     33    0                    00
3     Goto           0     50    0                    00
4     Goto           0     14    0                    00
5     OpenPseudo     2     4     1                    01
6     Integer        0     3     0                    01
7     String8        0     5     0     now            00
8     String8        0     6     0     localtime      00
9     String8        0     7     0     start of month  00
10    Function       7     5     4     date(-1)       03
11    Yield          2     0     0                    00
12    Integer        1     3     0                    00
13    Yield          2     0     0                    00
14    OpenEphemeral  1     2     0                    00
15    Integer        1     8     0                    00
16    Integer        4     2     0                    00
17    Yield          2     0     0                    00
18    If             3     33    0                    00
19    Column         2     0     9                    00
20    Null           0     11    0                    00
21    Integer        1     12    0                    00
22    Column         2     0     14                   00
23    String8        0     15    0     +1 month       00
24    Function       2     14    13    date(-1)       02
25    Move           13    11    0                    00
26    IfZero         12    27    -1                   00
27    SCopy          11    10    0                    00
28    MakeRecord     9     2     16                   00
29    NewRowid       1     17    0                    00
30    Insert         1     16    17                   08
31    IfZero         8     33    -1                   00
32    Goto           0     17    0                    00
33    Return         1     0     0                    00
34    OpenRead       0     2     0     1              00
35    Rewind         1     48    0                    00
36    Rewind         0     47    0                    00
37    Column         0     0     18                   00
38    Column         1     0     19                   00
39    Lt             19    46    18    collseq(BINARY)  6a
40    Column         1     1     20                   00
41    Ge             20    46    18    collseq(BINARY)  6a
42    Column         0     0     21                   00
43    Column         1     0     22                   00
44    Column         1     1     23                   00
45    ResultRow      21    3     0                    00
46    Next           0     37    0                    01
47    Next           1     36    0                    01
48    Close          0     0     0                    00
49    Halt           0     0     0                    00
50    Transaction    0     0     0                    00
51    VerifyCookie   0     1     0                    00
52    TableLock      0     2     0     entry          00
53    Goto           0     4     0                    00

It is a bit complicated though.  It would be much simpler to do the date 
calculation in the host language and pass the boundary values as parameters to 
the query.

Of course, you could also do the following:

Select * from entry where bankdate like (select substr(date('now', 
'localtime'), 7) + '%');

But of course this will always do a table/index scan that cannot be optimized 
away ...

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