On Sun, 6 Oct 2013 15:07:06 +0100
Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> Quick summary, most of which you probably do right:
> Numeric fields should go unquoted and string fields in a CSV files
> must be quoted:

        Thanks for the notes, there's a few things in there I'm not
        doing right, so I do sincerely appreciate the input and
        that'll be folded in to the next release ( fairly quick cycle
        at the moment as the bugs/features are tacked on ).

        The original purpose of the whole Undark to retrieve a client's
        SMSs was satisfied simply from a visual dump ( as opposed to
        interpreted ) and as such I didn't put a lot of fine tuning in
        to the CSV format. I greatly appreciate the tips
        there, thank you.

        The blob details were something I wasn't having any real
        success in finding during my short searches around the net, so
        again, another very good bit of info.

        After my original post, I realised that Undark could also be
        used to pull data from corrupted db's ( missing tables or
        various B-tree indexes ), so I'll probably need some willing
        victims to test that later.


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