On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 6:35 AM, RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
>  I also do not think (or imagine) that unique constraints "ought" to be
> required - I am saying that in the case of SQLite or any mainstream RDBMS it
> becomes necessary to have some unique reference to single out a row should
> you wish to adjust it somehow (often, adjustment are not required, such as

Data which is apparently non-sensical to you can nonetheless be used
in SQL queries and data modification statements that are meaningful to
me.  In all the cases I care about such data exist only ephemerally or
not at all, but the cases where they exist ephemerally are important
to me.

In the ephemeral dups case I only need to be able to count duplicate
rows, which is quite obviously trivial to do.  This case is where I'm
implementing application-defined uniqueness constraints that are
substantially different from standard SQL uniqueness (more on this
some other time) or where I'm implementing deferred uniqueness
constraints.  Deferred constraint checking is a valuable feature
(evidence: SQLite3 added deferred FK enforcement).

> for logs), and that (because of that) it is good that SQLite decided to have
> rowids, if a little archaic.  It's even better with the new optimisation
> being possible, and certainly to keep all admin things working as it should,
> I do not think it should drop the requirement.

The case where the application needs either deferred uniqueness
constraints handling or application-defined uniqueness constraints
that are not [easily] expressible in SQL, but where the application
uses SQL under the covers, is very much a real-world case.  In that
case I really need to have the RDBMS impose no unique constraints.

A B-Tree quite clearly imposes no need for uniqueness; the uniqueness
requirement in SQLite3's WITHOUT ROWID almost certainly derives from
PRIMARY KEY being a convenient syntactic source of columns for the
primary index.  There are alternatives to overloading existing syntax;
MySQL has a suitable syntax, and even without it there are
alternatives.  Overloading syntax is not always free...

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