On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 11:50 AM, RSmith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
> Hi Nico, thanks for the discussion - although this thread is dangerously
> close to becoming a stale debate rather than a helpful forum discussion.
> In this light, I will try to be brief and then fight the urge to reply
> again.

Thanks for your opinion.

I'd like to hear from the SQLite3 team as to whether the overloading
of PRIMARY KEY was intentional or accidental, whether there's any
interest in adopting the MySQL INDEX USING syntax, whether there's any
interest in deferred UNIQUE constraint enforcement, and so on.

They may choose to not answer any of those questions; my asking does
not -and is not intended to- oblige them to answer; I have no
expectations either way as to whether those questions will be
answered.  But those are the questions I'm interested in.  You're
having an argument with me that doesn't directly address those
questions; I agree that we should not pursue that sub-thread, but feel
free to help us discover more direct answers to my questions.

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