On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Keith Christian

> A few days ago, I successfully compiled the previous version of the
> autoconf tar package (sqlite-autoconf-3080300.tar.gz) and a
> sqlite3.exe file was produced on a Cygwin environment.
> This morning, I downloaded sqlite-autoconf-3080400.tar.gz, unpacked,
> ran 'make clean' and 'make', but no sqlite3.exe file was produced.

I'm sorry you are having trouble.

I don't know what is wrong because everything works fine when I try it.

As an alternative, consider downloading sqlite-amalgamation-3080400.zip and
then running:

     gcc -o sqlite3.exe -I. sqlite3.c shell.c

> I believe the issue is in some changes in the Makefiles produced
> between 3080300 and 3080400.
> Makefile.am and Makefile.in are identical between 3080300 and 3080400.
> The cygwin environment on the machine has not been updated since
> 3080300 was compiled on 7 Mar.
> See the output of 'wdiff' below.  Recent versions of the VIM editor
> have a nice syntax mode for wdiff, copy the output below into VIM and
> then type "syn on" and "set filetype=wdiff" at the colon prompt.
> wdiff -s ../../sqlite-autoconf-3080300/tea/Makefile
> ../../sqlite-autoconf-3080400/tea/Makefile|grep "\[-.*-\]"|sed 'G;G'
> PKG_LIB_FILE    = [-libsqlite3.8.3.dll-] {+libsqlite3.8.4.dll+}
> PKG_STUB_LIB_FILE = [-libsqlitestub3.8.3.a-] {+libsqlitestub3.8.4.a+}
> INSTALL         = [-/usr/bin/install-] {+$(SHELL)
> $(srcdir)/tclconfig/install-sh+} -c
> PACKAGE_VERSION = [-3.8.3-] {+3.8.4+}
> #DEFS           = $(TCL_DEFS) -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"sqlite\"
> -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"sqlite\" [--DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"3.8.3\"-]
> {+-DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"3.8.4\"+} -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"sqlite\ [-3.8.3\"-]
> {+3.8.4\"+} -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\"
> {+-DBUILD_sqlite=/\*\*/+} -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1
> -DMODULE_SCOPE=extern [--DNO_VIZ=1-] {+-DHAVE_NO_SEH=1
> DEFS            = -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"sqlite\"
> -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"sqlite\" [--DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"3.8.3\"-]
> {+-DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"3.8.4\"+} -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"sqlite\ [-3.8.3\"-]
> {+3.8.4\"+} -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE_URL=\"\"
> {+-DBUILD_sqlite=/\*\*/+} -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1
> -DMODULE_SCOPE=extern [--DNO_VIZ=1-] {+-DHAVE_NO_SEH=1
> Keith
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