Stefano Ravagni wrote:
> Hello Joe, tryed to change the code in the IF expression but nothing 
> change....
> I would ask if you seen the screenshot i attached somes days ago because 
> it show what happen....
>  From debugger Datareader result CLOSED and HasRows properties result NO 
> ROWS, but i obtain the error wich say datareader is open !
> The error happen at line were i set command connection properties as in 
> the code above...
>   Try
>              Call CloseDati() ' which call Dati.Close()
>              objCmd.Connection = Connetti     *** HERE HAPPEN THE ERROR
>              objCmd.CommandText = strSQLvar
>              Dati = objCmd.ExecuteReader()
>              ...........
The only thing that I can think of is that somehow the data reader being
is not the same one associated with the command you are attempting to set
connection of.

Are you 100% sure that the "Dati" data reader is associated with the

Joe Mistachkin

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