Caching or not, I don't experience the same thing with opening a read only
text file in Notepad.  For S'n'Gs, I had a random text file sitting on my
desktop (A config file for a game, and it is pure text) and decided to use
it as a subject of abuse.  Its original attribute is set so read only is
OFF.  I opened it up twice in PSPad just to try and eliminate any kind of
cache chance.  The second load was instant as the PSPad software was
actually running the second time I ran.  I closed the file, set the R/O
attribute, and re-opened.  Again, instant load.

On to SQLite.  Same abused text file, with the R/O attribute on.  Started
sqlite3 with the filename as a parameter, and it took about 3 seconds to
get me to the CLI.  That is WITHOUT a select statement, just to get to the
CLI.  So I quit out of the CLI, hit the UP arrow, and hit enter, and again
a 3 second wait.
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