I have continued to receive the locking erros. The latest connection string I 
have as follows:

public static string OMconnectionString = "URI=file:oslermedicine.db; busy 
timeout=10000; Pooling=True; Max Pool Size=100;";

Are there any other parameters that will increase the timeout when the database 
gets locked? 


On Wednesday, October 29, 2014 5:26 PM, Mike McWhinney <elja...@sbcglobal.net> 

I will let you know if this fixes the problem. So far I have not had any 
locking issues. I will see tomorrow when it 

receives more usage and traffic from other users


On Wednesday, October 29, 2014 4:52 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> 

On 29 Oct 2014, at 9:00pm, Mike McWhinney <elja...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> What is the exact connection string parameter?  I am a little confused. From 
> this website
> http://www.devart.com/dotconnect/sqlite/docs/Devart.Data.SQLite~Devart.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection~ConnectionString.html
> It shows that the Default Command Timeout is the parameter and that it is 
> expressed in seconds.

Hmm.  Well, that's confusing.

The web page you cited says that this parameter is not the parameter I thought 
it was.  It lists a parameter "Default Command Timeout" which is not the same 
as the "default timeout" included in the string in your dump.  Not only that, 
but it includes
 another parameter "Busy Timeout" which I /think/ is the one I wanted in the 
first place.

I have no idea what "default timeout" is or how it is implemented.  But you may 
as well leave it as it is.  Instead can you please change

"URI=file:mydb.db; default timeout=10; Pooling=True; Max Pool Size=100;"


"URI=file:mydb.db; default timeout=10; Busy Timeout=10000; Pooling=True; Max 
Pool Size=100;"

So make this change and see if your problem goes away.  Whether it does or not 
can help us figure out what's wrong.

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