On 21 Dec 2014, at 2:39pm, Stephen Chrzanowski <pontia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> SQLite4 "may" never be released, or if it is going
> to be, not for a few years yet. 

SQLite 4 can be whatever gets released next.  It may be nothing like SQLite4 is 
now.  Next month one of the developer team may have  some terrific idea which 
causes them to scrap the current system and start again.  Alternatively Dr Hipp 
may already have a plan to release SQLite4 on January the first.  We can't know.

When you're wishing for the future, however, it's best to wish big, not for a 
tiny step-wise improvement.  Don't wish for a system with a better journalling 
mode, wish for a system without 17 journalling different modes.  Don't wish for 
faster locking, wish for a system that doesn't use locking.  And hope most of 
all that Dr Hipp doesn't care what you want and is channelling Henry Ford:

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

(Note: This quote is famous but was probably never spoken by Mr Ford.)

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