On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 4:47 AM, big stone <stonebi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> To prepare for  end of 2014 greetings moment, here is my whish list for
> 2015:
> - a minimal subset of analytic functions [1], that I hope may help
> end-user/students popularity [2]
> - better information on what is coming ahead, for example:
>    . I see the 'sessions' tree moving along main tree since a few months,
> what is it about ?
>    . sqlite4 is dead because sqlite3 did progress quicker than expected ?
>    . ....
> [1] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/tutorial-window.html
> [2] http://db-engines.com/en/ranking_trend

In R the sqldf R package allows one to perform SQL operations on R
data.frames by transparently uploading them to an SQL database which
it creates on the fly performing the specified SQL operation,
reeturning the result and destorying the database it created.  it uses
SQLite by default but can also use H2, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Its my sense that users of sqldf use SQLite because its the default
and is automatically installed when they install sqldf but if they
move to one of the other databases the first choice is typically H2
because they want true date and time types which H2 supports and
sqlite does not.  Also, H2 is almost as easy to install as SQLite -
the R drivers for both packages include the entire database and the
only extra thing you need for H2 is java which many people have
already anyways.    Thus if SQLite had true date and time types I
think this would address a significant portion of those sqldf users
who find SQLite is not enough for their needs.

If they don't go to H2 then they will likely go to PostgreSQL to get
window/analytic functions and the main thing that would put them off
here is that its not as easy to install PostgreSQL as SQLite or H2.
Thus if SQLite were to support window/analytic functions it would
address the main other group of those who switch from SQLite when
using sqldf.
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