On 27 May 2016, at 7:50pm, Scott Robison <sc...@casaderobison.com> wrote:

> I'd like to see some sort of hybridized approach myself (for my own
> projects, not advocating for SQLite), where those who want email only can
> use email only, but there is still an official web based official history /
> forum-like entity

Not picking on you personally, Scott.  Just contributing to the thread.

You can find an archive of all posts to this list on the site linked to by the 
last line of every post to this list.  It's as official as it gets.

If you want to read this list as if it's a web forum, use nabble.

If you want an independent web forum -- not an echo of this list -- where 
people can ask and answer questions about SQLite, feel free to set one up.  Or 
use a 'sqlite' filter when reading Stack Overflow.

If you want the SQLite development team to read a web forum like they read this 
mailing list, and respond to posts they think can benefit from their help, pay 

I used to read web fora for a previous job and can't count the hours I spent 
wading through unreadable fonts, indecipherable grammar, unfathomable source 
code, and huge signature blocks with flashing squirming jumping crawling 
colour-changing collections of bad art and worse quotes.  I did it because I 
was paid to, and stopped when they let me.

This mailing list is plaintext-only and attachment-free for a reason.  And I 
like it that way.  Occasionally I screw up and post my own signature block 
here, for which I beg everyone's forgiveness.

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