On 12/25/15, Valentin Davydov <sqlite-user at soi.spb.ru> wrote:
> It would be desirable to improve algorithm of INTEGRITY_CHECK pragma.
> Presently it is generally useless for indexed databases which don't fit
> entirely in RAM (and which usually need checking much strongly than
> smaller ones).

For each row of each table in the database, PRAGMA integrity_check
verifies that there are corresponding entries in the indexes
associated with that table.  This operation typically involves lots of
random seeking, which can be slow for large databases.

The "PRAGMA quick_check" command works just like "PRAGMA
integrity_check" except that it skips this row-by-row checking of
index entries.  PRAGMA quick_check still verifies that each index has
the correct number of entires, but it does not verify that all the
entries correspond to table rows.  Hence, PRAGMA quick_check is able
to do a single scan through the entire database file, reading each
page only once, and without doing a lot of seeking.  It can therefore
be a lot faster.

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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