Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 3 Jul 2015, at 1:39pm, Rob Willett <rob.sqlite at> wrote:
>> is Vacuum the same as doing the .dump and restore or is it different?
> It's the same thing (more or less).

The implementation is completely different.  From the outside, the main
difference is that VACUUM works inside SQLite's transaction and locking
mechanisms, so it is safe against concurrent accesses, and against data
loss even if problems happen while the old database file is replaced
with the new one.

>> We like the .dump as it gives us a nice easy to use backup :)

In theory, a backup created with .backup is even easier to use; .dump is
more useful if you want a text file instead of a working database file.

> Good for keeping many generations of archive around.

... and for creating diffs between them.


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