> I am ambivalent to whether or not the word is innocuous or whether it
> can be misconstrued or even if, to some people, it is truly offensive.

It is not the word that is offensive (that is illogical and plainly 
impossible).  It is the thing that is offended that is the problem -- the 
gutter mind and carnal tendencies of the receiver -- I am sure there are 
psychiatric descriptions of the disorder, but it is often linked to breast 
feeding (or not breast feeding), drinking water, eating bread, or excessively 
low self-esteem brought on by early religious zealotry and brain-washing.

It is impossible for ME to offend YOU, it is YOU who caused yourself to be 
offended by the thoughts you yourself conjured into your own mind.  Stop 
whining and grow a pair or go see a therapist and get help with your overactive 
imaginations.  I also understand that electroshock treatments can be very 
effective in preventing people from causing themselves offense due to their 
overactive imaginations (aversion therapy).  

In extreme cases, frontal lobotomy is also a highly effective treatment for 
offense disorder.

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