Yep, references a another one. Just like the functions, you have to join on
the user type information, add it to constraints, etc.

In my case I'm already modifying and maintaining my own version of SQLite.
My project is basically a database with a lot of extensions. Submitting
patches is not an issue. The last time I brought these ideas up I was
practically chased off by a mob waving pitchforks and torches. Apparently
almost no-one thinks user defined types is a good idea so there is no point
sharing it. I don't expect anyone to help me maintain the code. The
critical parts of SQLite (like the record read/write) are very stable and
updates hardly ever affect me.

Regarding PgSQL, an advantage of encoding your own binary types is that you
can copy them straight into your code and execute with them directly - I
use the same encoding/data structures throughout and they serve my code and
requirements instead of the database's or its API.

PgSQL is also a poor fit for me because it's huge and assumes a (huge)
server, I'm running on small nodes with relatively little memory.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 4:26 PM, Nico Williams <nico at> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 03, 2015 at 03:55:04PM -0700, Darko Volaric wrote:
> > I've tackled this problem from a couple of different angles. My goal was
> to
> > allow arbitrary user defined types, based on the builtin types
> (essentially
> > subtypes of the existing types), with a minimum of work and minimum
> > disruption of the normal/existing use of the database and API.
> >
> > The approaches I considered were:
> A UDT can't be first-class without modifying SQLite3.  Without
> first-class UDT support the application has to be responsible to some
> degree for adhering to whatever encoding conventions it chooses to use.
> User-defined functions, collations, and virtual tables can be used to
> move some of the burden from the application to the UDFs and VTs, but
> you can't move all of it (e.g., because whatever SQLite3 type you use to
> encode UDTs will often have other uses, leading to an aliasing problem
> that requires the application to avoid it).
> > - encoding the user type codes for each data column in a separate column
> > dedicated to the purpose. This is a low impact but cumbersome, for
> instance
> > using a function that interprets the user type would have to have the
> user
> > type passed in for each argument, along with the actual data.
> It's cumbersome because it creates a referential integrity problem.
> > - modifying the data file format to carry user type information. There is
> > space in the record/row header where you can encode this information in a
> > backwards compatible way, but the source code for data record access is
> not
> > friendly, basically a dense blob of code with a lot of integer literals
> > which are all very important, but it's hard to be sure what they entail
> and
> > that you haven't introduced a subtle bug and ultimately data corruption.
> > Additionally the user type would have to be passed around internally -
> for
> > example in the sqlite3_value object - and tracking down all of those
> > reliably is a bit of work.
> Right, you'd basically be talking about adding new first-class types to
> SQLite3.  That's quite an understaking and not for the faint of heart.
> Even if you tackle this, chances are it'd be very difficult to get the
> SQLite3 dev team to accept the changes -- one would be forking SQLite3,
> and that requires serious (read: lots of experienced software engineer
> time) effort to develop and maintain.
> > - using blobs. Although using text representation is friendly when
> looking
> > at the data with standard tools, it's slower and takes up more memory in
> > various places. I found that encoding some user types as blobs with a
> type
> > marker at their start (a single byte with extensions) and interpreting
> them
> > was a simple and low impact approach. [...]
> Encoding as text or blobs is about your only realistic option.  Enums
> can be encoded as numbers too, as can small bitsets.
> > The first option isn't very practical. The second option is the fastest
> and
> > most robust solution and my long term approach which I will be going back
> > to after development has progressed a bit more. Currently I'm using the
> > third approach as an interim measure. I'm supporting arbitrary prec ints
> > and reals, arrays and tuples and other types this way.
> At that point why not just switch to Postgres?
> Nico
> --
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